Jon ( South AUSTRALIA) provide you with an update of my experiences

I thought I would provide you with an update of my experiences. Maybe some of my experiences may be helpful for others.
It all started with a small feeling of a blocked ear, and the start of a small sound in my ear which was only noticeable when I went to bed at night.
I was told I had an ear infection. Anti-biotics didn't change anything and the fullness developed and the sounds in my ear increased.
In March I had my first attack, which was horrendous. After this attack, no more followed, but the tinnitus and fullness kept getting stronger.

In April I visited an ENT specialist who undertook an audiogram which showed I had moderate hearing loss in one ear. I had an MRI to discount any tumour, which was fine. He told me I had early onset Menieres. I was immediately in denial because I had had no other attacks apart from the first major one, so I thought he was wrong. I left thinking he didn't really know what he was talking about.
A couple of weeks later, the attacks started full-on. I was virtually incapacitated for 3 weeks, and it was during this time that thanks to Sue, we found you.

In what seems like only that 3-4 week period, the hearing in my affected ear deteriorated very rapidly, and I lost virtually all my hearing in one ear. The ENT specialist was not very helpful. He simply said that I had Menieres, and there was nothing that can be done to help. That's when I started on the supplements. I have always been sceptical about vitamins and minerals, and until recently, even when I was taking them, I remained sceptical.
Interestingly, after a very short time of taking the system, my attacks virtually stopped and I began to feel better overall. My tinnitus continued to get worse, and the fullness remained, but no attacks and my head cleared and I was otherwise AOK.

I decided that I had to see if the supplements were actually making a difference, or if my symptoms had simply abated as part of the normal Menieres process, so I stopped taking them. Within 10 days of stopping, my symptoms started coming back. Dizziness, spinning etc all started to resume and the feeling of a thick head started to reappear. I was amazed. So I immediately went back on the supplements just 4 days ago, and I am basically back to where I was when I was on them before - no symptoms, clear head etc. The affect is simply amazing. I am no longer a sceptic.

I explained to my ENT doctor twice about the nutritional supplement products I was taking, and the beneficial affects I had experienced, and how rapidly I started to deteriorate when I stopped taking them, and then the beneficial affects again when I re-started. He just wasn't interested and virtually dismissive of them. He even suggested that I start reducing them over the next few months to see if they make a difference. Well, I have just done that experiment and I know I will remain on them now.
Others that you talk to should not be swayed by an ENT specialist who just doesn't see natural supplements as beneficial. I have, in my mind, uncontroversial proof that for me, they have been of immense benefit. So thank you for your advice and suggestions.

So I am now a staunch supporter of these natural supplements. Thank you for your assistance, and I thought you would like to hear my experiences, and also those thoughts of the medical fraternity that are dismissive of the benefits that can be achieved through natural methods. I should also say that during this time I haven't altered my diet at all, and have made no effort to reduce my sodium intake. Despite this, the beneficial affect has been substantial.

Hope you are well and look forward to hearing from you again.
Jon (South Australia)

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