MAureen (Stories from Meniere sufferers )

When you understand how the inflammation process takes place it is easier to understand how and why 'quality' nutrition helps us. Read a more detailed explanation of the inflammation process here.

In most case, while the supplements enable the immune system to manage the inflammation and the sufferer to stay fit and healthy, it doesn't tackle the underlying root cause. This could be any number of things but the cause can be found and tackling that is how you 'cure' yourself.

Your symptoms are a result of the inflammation in your inner ear putting pressure on your balance and hearing nerves. The inflammation is a result of whatever your individual underlying cause is. If your endolymphatic hydrops (swelling in the endolymphatic sac) is caused by autoimmune issues or endochrine issues then quality nutrition and a quality diet may well be the ultimate answer but if it is caused by spinal and neck issues then the supplements are stopping the inflammation from becoming chronic but to deal with the cause you would need chiropractic treatment or something similar.  These are just a few of many possible underlying causes. But we do now know the common themes among sufferers. It is just a case of educating yourself and taking action.

It is a big subject and there are many possible causes but you can find and fix it. It has been done by many and is still being done all the time. We have been seeing this time after time for 10 years.

Never let anyone tell you, "there is nothing more to be done" or "learn to live with it". As you will read from the people below you can learn to live 'without' it. By controlling your symptoms and/or finding and dealing with your cause(s) you can do this too.

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